What is an HR Assessment?

Employers often come to us in a “I don’t know what I don’t know, but I know I don’t know enough” state when it comes to Human Resource needs. Often, the biggest nagging worry is that there are compliance issues they are not meeting and are not aware of. In addition to federal, state, and sometimes municipal employment regulations (and how to apply them to their unique situations), employers often have a sense of HR and management practices that need attention. They may be able to identify them, but not know how to begin working on them. An HR Assessment can bring order to all of this free floating chaos and stress. Here is what our process entails:

We talk with you to learn more about your worries, fears, needs, goals.

We send a detailed list of instructions and information related to HR documentation and records that we need to review. (You can send them virtually any way that works for you. Papyrus scroll via carrier pigeon? Sure! Google Drive, SharePoint, Drop Box, email attachments? Also great. Need us to come onsite and pour over your paper documents, we can do that, too!)

We meet with you (and anyone else involved in the HR functions at your organization) and ask a TON of questions. You don’t need to prepare, this isn’t a test.

We administer a BRIEF employee survey to get observations and insights from your “HR customers” about high-level policy and practice areas (i.e., Do they have access to the most recent employee handbook? Do they have a current job description? etc.).

We summarize all that we have learned from the above and share it with you in a bulleted checklist organized by Compliance, Best Practice, and Strategic needs.

We translate the summary checklist into a HR Work Plan (spreadsheet format) so you can track the timing, ownership, and other important details for each item.

We give you a big virtual or in-real-life high-five for getting your HR house in order. It may not be all fixed and pretty at this point, but you know what needs attention, how urgently it needs it, and an estimated idea for when it will get done.

Need help tackling the list? We can help with that, too. See our People, Culture, Compliance retainer plan or our Project-based Support.

***HR Assessments start at $1500 (up to 20 employees), the fee is inclusive of all services described above.***


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