Sharing means caring...and we care a lot about healthy and vibrant workplaces. Visit this page from time to time for helpful resources we offer to anyone.
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Let us know and we will send you the link to our top secret page filled with lots more!
Compensation Philosohpy Starter Kit
Complete resource to help you create and implement a compensation philosophy.
Exempt or Non-exempt?
An easy to use resource to help you decide if a position qualifies to be exempt from FLSA rules about overtime. Still confused after looking at it? It can be little tricky. Contact us.
Stay Interview Questions
Why do people stay with your organization? What do they value about working there? What could be better for them? Stay Interviews provide a wealth of details to help you find out about employees’ experiences.
Performance Improvement Plan
When you notice an employee continuing to struggle with something at work, what are the chances it will just get better on its own? Right, it won’t! A structure can help you both find a way forward so they can improve the situation.